The cooperation network “Assistance in Logistics” (Assistenz in der Logistik) was awarded with the Hugo Junkers Award for Research and Innovation in the category “most innovative alliance” (Innovativste Allianz). The ministry for research and economics of the state of Sachsen-Anhalt awards yearly to encourage networking between science and economics.
Viaboxx is part of the network which was founded in 2014, meanwhile is 22 partners strong and coordinated by the Experimental Factory (Experimentelle Fabrik) from Magdeburg. Out of the 81 competitors this year, the network made it through 23 finalists and eventually acquired the third place in the category “most innovative alliance” (Innovativste Allianz). Prices were awarded on the 6th of December 2017 in the Leopoldina, national academy of sciences (Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften) in Halle.
- Press release of the ministry for economics, sciences and digitalization (Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Digitalisierung)
- Winners of the Hugo Junkers Award 2017
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