NEOonsite is a CE-IVD-compliant technology platform that allows the customer to perform all molecular diagnostic tests offered by NEO New Oncology. The NEOonsite platform is based on “hybrid capture-based next generation sequencing (NGS)” technology, which facilitates analysis of tumor and therapy-relevant genes in an efficient and time-saving procedure. The accurate and profound analysis of the DNA mutations in the tumor tissue or in the bloodstream of the cancer patient allows for individualized cancer therapy recommendations. The comprehensive analysis of the most therapy relevant genes includes next generation sequencing, a technology that generates huge amounts of data. The raw sequencing data are processed bioinformatically, generating comprehensive result files that must be managed, visualized and analyzed.
Developed by Viaboxx on behalf of NEO New Oncology, the NEOdb software has been successfully employed as an information system since May 31, 2017, embracing the whole workflow from the sample entries via sample processing, all the way through presenting the results to the customer for medical interpretation. All relevant data and decisions are traceably documented in NEOdb.
The software is built upon a microservice architecture and has been modularly developed with the Java Spring Cloud framework in the back end, and AngularJS in the front end. The microservice architecture enabled an iterative approach to releasing the modules, as well as segregating sensitive data and ensuring the security of personal and patient-related data at all times. Viaboxx supported NEO New Oncology from the requirements analysis in the beginning to the implementation of the process in the validated medical environment using Scrum. The software was created within the team according to the requirements and is compliant with high quality standards, offering automated tests on all levels.
After completion of the project, Viaboxx is now taking care of technically supporting and maintaining the system as well as supporting its further development.

Customer statement:
“NEOdb represents our central computerized system that we use for handling all aspects of customer-, sample- and bioinformatics-administration. In addition, NEOdb allows our customers to easily initiate the bioinformatics data analysis of comprehensive data sets in a controlled and reliable environment. As NEOdb also facilitates a customer friendly handling and visualization of large datasets, it is a valuable tool for our customers to support their clinical decision making. We are very thankful to viaboxx for building this tailored software addressing all of our special needs.”
Employed applications & tools:
- Microservices architecture
- Spring Framework 4.x – Spring Boot, Spring Cloud Netflix
- Angular front end
- Cucumber web tests
Employed programming languages:
- Java 8
- Javascript